
Crack Possession (3rd Degree) (Extended Term Eigible) NO JAIL

Client in Bergen County was charged and Indicted with 3rd Degree Crack Possession.  3rd Degree possession carries a 3 to 5 year State Prison sentence.  He had priors therefore he was Extended Term Eligible.  The first "offer" by the prosecutor was for him to plead guilty to the possession and spend the next 4 years in State Prision.  If our client took that "deal" (if you even want to call it a deal) the prosecutor said he would not seek the Extended Term.  This was a terrible offer.  After preparing a motion to supress incriminating statements made by our client, but before filing it, we conferenced the matter with the prosecutor.  At that same conference we avoided jail and he was put on a minor probationary period with drug counseling.  Another great result!  See how we can help you!  Call 1-888-9-NOT-GUILTY (1-888-966-8484).